

Posted by dien Sunday, September 12, 2004 0 comments

Dealing to make STPP site with Mr.Ir. Sunarto, MP

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Indonesiaku Menangis Lagi!

Posted by dien Thursday, September 09, 2004 0 comments

10.30 WIB, 9 September 2004 telah terjadi lagi ledakan bom di daerah Kuningan Jakarta, depan kantor kedubes Aussie. Diduga bom bunuh diri menggunakan mobil, korban ledakan 6 orang meninggal dan ratusan orang lainnya di rawat di rumah sakit, sekitar 10 gedung di lokasi ledakan kacanya luluh. Bom yang diperkirakan mempunyai daya ledak tinggi ini meninggalkan lubang berdiameter 1,5m dan berkedalaman sekitar 3m.
Hate for the bomber, and for everyone who cause the bomb happen!

"Turut berduka cita atas korban bom Kuningan"

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Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa r.a.: Once, while we were sitting in the company of Prophet, a dead body was brought, The Prophet was requested to lead the funeral Salat (prayer) for the deceased. He said, "Is he in debt" The people replied in the negative. He said, "Has he left any wealth" They said, "No." So, he led his funeral prayer. Another dead person was brought and the people said, "O Allah’s Messenger! Lead his funeral Salat (prayer)." The Prophet said, "Is he in debt" They said, "Yes." He said, "Has he left any wealth" They said, "Three Dinar." So, he led the funeral prayer. Then a third person was brought and the people said (to the Prophet), "Please lead his funeral Salat (prayer)." He said, "Has he left any wealth" They said, "No." He asked, "Is he in debt" They said, ("Yes! He has to pay) three Dinar." He [refused to offer funeral Salat (prayer) and] said, "Then offer Salat (prayer) for your (dead) companion." Abu Qatada said, "O Allah’s Messenger! Lead his funeral prayer, and I will pay his debt." So, he led the Salat (prayer).

Note: Hehehehe....

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